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Psalm 2; Matthew
Let me tell you something shocking: Matthew’s Gospel is about a
man called Jesus. According to Matthew, this man Jesus taught about the kingdom
of heaven, spoke out against religious hypocrisy, healed people with diseases,
fed the hungry thousands, calmed the storm, and walked on the sea. This man Jesus
is an impressive and inspirational figure by any measure.
But Matthew hasn’t written his Gospel just to tell others how
impressive and inspirational this man Jesus is. Right from the beginning,
Matthew has been telling us that this man Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah of
Israel, God’s Anointed One chosen to ‘save his people from their sins’ (Matt
1:21). And how will God’s Anointed One save his people from their sins? By
dying. And this man Jesus knows this. Jesus knows he is the Christ, the
Messiah; but he knows equally that his status as God’s Anointed One grants him
no special privileges. He knows that the path his Father in heaven has set him
on leads ultimately to his resurrection and salvation for those who are his
disciples. But he must die by crucifixion first. This is his mission. This man
Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the Christ, the Messiah of Israel, God’s Anointed
One chosen to save his people.
What does all this mean? What lies behind the idea and practice of
‘anointing’? Basically, anointing means rubbing or pouring oil on something—not
engine oil, of course; think olive oil and similar. In the Old Testament,
anointing with oil occasionally had very special purposes. Priests and the
fixtures and fittings of the tabernacle were anointed to consecrate them: to
set them apart as holy for a special role among God’s people. Prophets, too, were
anointed for their role in speaking the Lord’s
words to people and nations, though perhaps the anointing here is more to do
with God’s Spirit than actual oil. And Israel’s kings were also anointed, this
time to lead the people as the Lord’s
representative. Anointing here is a visual and physical way of setting someone
apart to act for and on behalf of the people.
Let me linger a moment or two on the anointing of kings, as this
helps us better to understand our Gospel reading—which I will get to in due
course! Today’s Old Testament reading, Psalm 2, is what we could call a
‘coronation psalm’; that is, it was quite possibly used when a new king acceded
to the throne. Psalm 2 is broken into four sections: verses one to three show
the nations in rebellion against the Lord
and his anointed one, that is, against the Lord
and his king. The next section, verses four to six, tells us that the Lord finds all this rather amusing
because there’s nothing anyone can do against the Lord. Verses seven to nine are the third section, and here
the king himself speaks: ‘I will proclaim the Lord’s
decree: He said to me, ‘You are my son; today I have become your father’ (2:7).
There is an intimate father–son relationship at the heart of Israel’s monarchy,
with the Lord as the father and
the king as the Lord’s anointed
son. Finally, verses ten to twelve show that the people of Israel and all the
nations in the world serve the Lord
by respecting the Lord’s son, the
king; in turn, the king brings peace to ‘all who take refuge in him’ (2:12). If
Psalm 2 really was used in ancient coronations, then we can imagine that an
actual anointing, with oil poured on the head, was part of the process of
setting apart the new king to rule as the Lord’s
representative, the Lord’s son,
in the land.
Got this? Good! And now, as promised, let’s look at today’s Gospel
reading from Matthew 26. The majority of our reading today tells a story about
an unnamed woman anointing Jesus and the disciples’ outrage at such a thing!
The passage is actually quite vague, I think, and it raises all sorts of
questions: Who was Simon the leper? Who was the woman? Why did she anoint
Jesus? Why were the disciples angry? What did Jesus mean when he said ‘you
always have the poor with you’? And so on. Some of these questions I’ll leave
you to work out for yourself; a single sermon can’t cover everything.
And we can fill in some of the details from the parallel passages in Mark and
John: in John’s Gospel, for example, the woman is Mary, the sister of Martha
and Lazarus. And there are traditions where Simon the leper is actually Mary,
Martha, and Lazarus’s dad, whom Jesus must have healed from leprosy at some
point earlier in his ministry. But why doesn’t Matthew himself include these
sorts of details?
What we need to remember is that Matthew, as with the other Gospel
writers, wasn’t just making notes about Jesus to write up later. In writing his
Gospel, Matthew wants to communicate some very specific things about Jesus to
the people he’s writing to. This means he is quite happy to drop some details
and include others, so long as the finished story says exactly what he wants it
to say. Matthew, it seems, is keen to emphasise that Jesus is the Christ, the
Messiah of Israel, God’s Anointed One—that is, he wants to reinforce the belief
that Jesus is God’s Son and King, and so selects his material carefully to do
just this. This theme about Jesus is found throughout Matthew’s Gospel,
including at its beginning when an angel tells Joseph that Jesus will save his
people, and when the wise men came to worship the newborn king of the Jews. And
here, towards the end, Matthew is still telling the same story about King
Jesus—only now, King Jesus is facing death at the hands of his own people.
Let’s dig deeper. Why did the unnamed woman approach Jesus to
anoint him? Matthew doesn’t tell us her motivation. It wasn’t unusual at the
time to anoint dinner guests, but Matthew frames the incident as though Jesus
alone was targeted. If this unnamed woman is, in fact, Mary the brother of Lazarus,
whom Jesus brought back to life, perhaps she anointed Jesus as an extravagant
gesture of love and gratitude. Who knows? Whatever the woman’s motivation,
Jesus interprets his anointing in the context of his imminent death and burial.
It seems the woman had understood and accepted that which the disciples hadn’t
grasped at all: that Jesus really was going to die, and in a very short while.
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Is this a stretch? You’ll have to decide that for yourself! But if
I’m on the right lines here, then we need to consider something else. In the
Old Testament, kings were very often anointed by prophets. If the unnamed woman
here is really anointing Jesus as Son and King, then she is acting as a prophet.
Her actions prophetically confirm that Jesus truly is the King who will save
his people from their sins, but through his own death. None of the disciples accept
this or even get this.
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anoints Joash
So what can we say? First of all, the woman’s prophetic and
priestly actions in today’s passage stand in stark contrast both to the
disciples, who failed to appreciate what Jesus had been saying to them, and to
the actual priests, who wanted Jesus killed. Through her simple act of
anointing, the unnamed woman confirmed that Jesus was God’s Son and king of the
Jews; prophesied that Jesus would save his people from their sins through his
death; and effectively demonstrated true discipleship and faithfulness to
Jesus. If you want a simple take-home message, then here it is: Be like the
woman, not like the men!
Second, the message of radical equality between men and women in
Jesus Christ is not limited to Matthew’s Gospel. We find it throughout the New
Testament—yes, even in Paul’s letters. How so? Doesn’t Paul say women should
submit to men, can’t speak in church, and so on? All I will say here is that if
the logic of the gospel message doesn’t give us clues on how Paul is actually
undermining the social attitudes and conventions of his day, then we are
probably more shaped by the world around us than by the good news of Jesus
And finally, here’s something more positive to end on: Matthew’s
Gospel includes all sorts of stories about Jesus’s healings and miracles and
teaching, but ultimately he is concerned with the man himself. In Matthew’s
eyes, this man Jesus—born of a virgin in Bethlehem, baptised in the Jordan,
tempted by the devil in the wilderness, crucified, died, and raised—this man
Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah of Israel, God’s Anointed One, and King for
the whole world.
Please find a unique re telling of the Spiritual Gospel of Saint Jesus of Galilee via this reference:
Section 17 provides a very fiery re-interpretation of Matthew 23. The last section is full of more-than-wonderful Wisdom.
I was more interested by what caught my eye in section 18, to be honest. It says Lazarus died - and yet he is clearly alive when Jesus arrives at the tomb, section 18 doesn't say Jesus raised him from the dead. So I must ask: Had Lazarus truly died? Or did someone else bring him back to life?
DeleteNow, Terry, I am quite taken with the idea of the woman in the story fulfilling a priestly role. I'd not thought about that before.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a popular idea with everyone in my church, though . . .
DeleteAn interesting take on the anointing. Personally very happy to recognise the prophetic or priestly role of the woman who anointed Jesus.
ReplyDeleteJust one quite different point...you say that Jesus knew that he was going to be crucified and resurrected...and I know there are places where he is recorded as saying that...but my own feeling is that he thought it likely that he might be crucified but not inevitable...otherwise why the prayer in Gethsemane that he might be spared having to drink that particular cup?
Hello, aristotle! Thanks for your comment.
DeleteI find Matthew's Gethsemane account fascinating. The way I've tended to read it is as Jesus's fourth temptation. Whereas the first three temptations in the early part of Matthew's Gospel appear to focus on Jesus's abusing his power and the like, here I think Jesus is wrestling with a temptation to avoid his destiny or seek another way. So now the end really is nigh for Jesus, Matthew's Gethsemane account shows how Jesus is praying through his emotions and his sense of calling (see how his first prayer contrasts with his second and third ones).