Monday 29 October 2018

Impactful CCM Albums: Steve Taylor, On the Fritz (1985)

Once upon a time, I owned four or five cassettes, all Carman, save for the Sheila Walsh one I obtained inadvertently (a short but uninteresting story involving the Word Record Club and its recommended monthly album offer). And then I also owned Steve Taylor’s On the Fritz.

I bought On the Fritz three or four years after it was released. It was the first album I possessed where I liked every track. Taylor is arguably CCM’s finest lyricist, all puns and satire, and his musical style is, shall we say, different from Carman’s and so, for me at least, imbued with longevity.

Standout track: ‘To Forgive’


  1. Early Steve Taylor was more Ruth's bag than mine, though 'Squint' is an excellent album. The tribute album 'I Predict A Clone' is still in my collection, as is 'Liver'. I agree with you on his lyrical excellence. He's such a clever writer.

    1. I think Liver and the tribute album show what can be done to refresh old songs. Even Taylor himself implied this when talking about the tribute album, and Liver really shows him taking this to heart.
