As he munched an apple, Ralf saw before him, in blazing
light so glorious, the angel. “Ralf, Ralf,” called the angel, “I have a message
for you from the Lord. It is the Lord’s will that you leave your village
and your friends and live here in the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the
Undetected, where you shall pray for the people of Abney Dochemaneston and
study the Holy Scriptures until the day the Lord
shall call you to heaven.”
This vision and the angel’s words startled Ralf so much that
he dropped his apple on the ground. Ralf watched it roll away from him, down
the slope of the hill, where it came to rest against a large rock. Once more,
the angel spoke: “The Lord has
this to say: Just as the woman was tempted to eat the apple in the garden and
was cursed, so now you must seek to eat again of your apple and be blessed.” Obediently,
Ralf stood up and slowly climbed down the hill, taking hold of crags to steady
his descent. He reached his fallen fruit, which was now bruised and gritty – but
as he stooped to reclaim it, Ralf saw a hitherto hidden opening to what he
presumed was the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected.
The angel appeared once more to Ralf, saying, “The Lord has provided for you! Inside the
Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected, you will find a copy of the Holy
Scriptures, clothing, bedding, and illumination – for your eyes and for your
soul. And on the first day of each week, you shall find here at the opening of
the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected nourishment for your body to
sustain you while you feed on the Holy Scriptures.” And the angel vanished; the
vision ended; and Ralf, the pious man of Abney Dochemaneston, moved into the
Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected.
The angel’s words were true! There, at one end of the
Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected, was a copy of the Holy Scriptures
placed on a plain wooden table beside two lit candles and a crucifix. At the
other end of the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected, a simple bed and a
few scraps of clothing were to be found. Ralf sat down, bit into another apple,
and began to pray.
Ralf enjoyed his new life of devotion in the Blessèd Cave of
St Alchmund the Undetected. He had been pleased to find a reasonably sized hole
in the wall of the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected, which allowed
his jagged surroundings to be bathed in sunlight. At night, or when it was cold
or wet, Ralf was able to hang a curtain of animal skin, which he had found
among his bedding, over the hole to maintain the warmth. And, on the first day
of each week, Ralf was able to collect seven baskets of food and a barrel of
fresh water from the entrance to the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the
Undetected, just as the angel had promised. Lacking no good thing, Ralf devoted
himself to study and to prayer, remembering the people of Abney Dochemaneston
at daybreak, at noon, at evening, and at bedtime.
But one day, a tremor shook the foundations of Ralf’s rugged
hermitage, and lo! – the opening to the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the
Undetected was blocked by rubble! Ralf tried to clear the opening, but his
attempts were in vain. He knelt in prayer, pleading, “Gracious Lord, who has called me to a life of
prayer, I beseech thee: May the opening to this Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the
Undetected be scree-free, so that I might continue to devote myself to prayer
and to study without worrying about my bodily needs.”
Ralf opened his eyes and looked up, expectantly. But the
detritus was not cleared, and so Ralf prayed his prayer a second time, and then
a third time. Still there was no response, and Ralf lay on his bed, weeping.

Years passed, and Ralf continued faithfully to pray four
times a day for the people of Abney Dochemaneston. He welcomed the company of
the blue tits each morning, and ate and drank his fill each day. But one day,
when he was old and grey, Ralf heard a strange tapping. The tapping was faint
at first, and he thought little of it. A few days later, though, the tapping
seemed to increase in volume. Again, Ralf thought little of it; but the sound
eventually became so prominent that he could think little of it no more. He
knelt in prayer.
“O Lord, the
sound troubles me,” Ralf confessed, “and I cannot concentrate in prayer and
study. If it is your will, may the sound cease and trouble me no more.” He
opened his eyes, tilted his head and listened expectantly. But the tapping
sound continued; indeed, it sounded even louder.
“O Lord!” Ralf
cried. “Have I not served you faithfully all these years? Then why must I
endure such violation of my ears? O Lord,
is it your will to test me?” But still, the sound of tapping continued and
again increased in volume.
“O Lord!” Ralf howled
reverently. “I cannot bear this cacophony! Dear Lord, precious Lord,
have you permitted the devil himself to snatch me from heaven to hell? Have I
offended you, dear Lord? Forgive
And suddenly, the tapping stopped. Ralf was elated; his
prayer, it seemed, had been heard, and the devil departed. But before he could utter
even a single syllable of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, he perceived muffled human voices
and then three clipped noises, far louder than any of the tappings had ever
been, all culminating in a noise sounding for all the world like small pieces
of stone or rock tumbling down a hillside and hitting the ground with a
near-imperceptible patter. And finally, daylight began streaming through the area
where the old opening to the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected once
had been. More debris was pulled away from without, and Ralf shielded his eyes
from the sudden brilliance threatening to disable his sight.
And what a sight Ralf saw! But it was not a vision of the
angel in blazing light so glorious he had been privileged to receive occasionally
in days past. Instead, Ralf saw a rather fubsy man standing at the newly
excavated opening to the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected, dressed in
a tunic as blue as the sky and garishly adorned with red and green flowers. The
man wore a peculiar, peaked hood, the same shade of dirty white as his shoes, and
his eyes were round and very, very dark. Before Ralf could retreat into the recesses
of the Blessèd Cave of St Alchmund the Undetected, the unseemly man stepped
towards him while reaching for a box hanging around his neck. And then: light,
the brightest light, more dazzling, surely, than even the streets of heaven,
flash, flash, flash!
“Howdy there, pardner,” drawled the man. “’Ahwabout ah take
a selfie with y’all? One for the wahf ’n’ keerds.”
Does the sacred legend end there or are we to learn what befell Ralf in the wake of this shattering encounter?
ReplyDeleteI do not know what befell Ralf, the pious man. I can only retell what was vouchsafed unto me by a jobless blue tit.