I’ve never really kept up with the debate over
intelligent design (ID); I’d be hard-pushed even to describe precisely what ID proponents
hold. But
William Dembski’s latest book,
Being as Communion, has caught my eye. The back-cover blurb records that ‘Dembski
attempts to make good on the promise . . . that information is poised to
replace matter as the primary stuff of reality.’ This is interesting to me.
Matter, the ‘stuff’ of reality, is quite the mystery, and, from my limited
reading on the subject, I’m not convinced that anyone has really offered a
satisfactory account of what matter
It makes sense to me that matter as a concept could, in theory, be explained in
terms of information. In his preface (
available to download from Ashgate’s
website, along with the
contents and the
index), Dembski asserts, ‘To exist is
to be in communion, and to be in communion is to exchange information’ (p.
xiii). An information-based relational ontology, that is, a model of reality
that prioritises information-exchange as its basic ‘stuff’, could be feasible,
and, if such a model proves welcome and influential, it may even help to make
ID respectable among the scientific community.
Of course, there are lots of assumptions here, and no doubt
Dembski clarifies his stance in the following pages. When I eventually get
around to reading Being as Communion,
I’ll be able to draw a more informed (geddit?) conclusion. That said, I do have
a reservation. The concept of information is so redolent of the modern world,
so Microsoft, so Apple, that I can’t help but wonder how far this particular
expression of information is simply a flashy by-product of the information age.
The prevalence of information technology leads us to use the various concepts
of information for framing reality in ways that would not have been possible
even half a century ago. And I suspect that, as this technology develops, metaphysical
models of reality, too, will continue to develop by mimicking scientific
advancements. This means, I believe, that any metaphysics of information that
convince or resonate now will likely become outdated very soon, with an impact
on any theology or philosophy based on them.
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